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Meet The Silver Leaf Team!

Writer's picture: Bob  MarkelBob Markel

Yon is a new member of the Silver Leaf team. He graduated from Ohio State and works as a mental health worker and exercises his creative side here at Silver Leaf Practice Management Solutions.

Tell Us About Yourself?

Hi, I am You and I really enjoy playing basketball in my free time. But when I am working I love being a creative soul. Being creative helps me be organized and well balanced in my life. Having exposure and balance is very important to me!

How did you get into the creative field?

It really started for me when I was in my undergraduate. I wanted to grow as a person and started dabbing into graphic design and later on I taught myself how to code.

What do you do here at Silver Leaf PMS?

I tap into a lot of departments but I primarily specialize in web development. I love designing websites for our clients here at Silver Leaf. It has been very rewarding for me to help so many people showcase their services in a way that represents the client best.

How do you help Silver Leaf’s Clients? I love helping clients showcase their hard work to the world through having their own website. I help clients easily achieve their goal of growing their practice. I make website development easy to understand and seamless. My goal is to bring innovation to the Silver Leaf team and into client’s work.


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